My 1st post: The Success Principles. Do they work?




Scan_20140710 (2)The Success Principles. Do they work?

I am listening to the book The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Do they really work?




On one hand I believe what he is saying, on the other hand there are probably millions of people who have read this book and not changed their lives. I have heard much of this information over the years and it has not changed my life, at least not like I wanted. But I only listened and thought about it. I never did it, I never wrote out my goals out not really. And I never thought about them every day. I never made a vision board… so many things I did not do.

This blog is a test to see if what Jack Canfield says in his book The Success Principles is true. I am going to do everything he says to do in the book. In the book he said make my goals public. A blog is pretty public. That is the motivation for this blog.

My first post

This is going to be my first post in my first blog. I just learned to type and this is the first thing I have typed using more than one finger since 8th grade. I never thought I’d have a blog, I don’t like to write, or read much for that matter. I have heard many teachers on internet marketing (like Rick Cooper & others) say “If you want to be successful and make money on the internet you need to have a blog”.

I have only started the book, and was only listening not doing, like I’ve done in the past. This blog is for me, to make it public and to keep me on track.

My Goals:

-To be wealthy in five years. I will make $10,000 by the end of this year, 2015. I will make $100,000 in 2016. I don’t even have a job right now

-To be awesome at time management. Be productive.

-Get Debbe a Lexis

-To get in touch with my emotions.

-Have a healthy self worth.

-Be very good at website design and SEO

-Have 100 websites making money

-type 35 words a min, or better, by Jan.1st 2016


I started this two nights ago. It is 6-5-15 at 9:34 pm now.  To many things going on, this is why one of my goals is to be awesome at time management. I bought a binder to start a vision book two days ago, but that is all I’ve done. I’m going to work on it now.

next post



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