19th Post: : Everyone Deservers Success & Prosperity

I like to see pictures of family and friends on Face Book, but FB is such a time stealer I don’t use my computer to look at it. I use my phone, when I’m waiting for an appointment, or when I’m standing in a line, or when I’m using the bathroom, or whenever I have a few loose minutes . So my time on FB is short and I usually never get caught up to the last page I was on. Most the videos I watch the sound is off.

I have noticed some times when I see something funny on FB I will smile just a little with the corner of my mouth. What I find interesting is I have noticed that sometimes it is on the left and sometimes on the right, I am curious why. I Googled it and found I could probably spend the rest of my life studying this one topic if I wanted to, I don’t so this is something I will just be aware of for now.

The right hemisphere has more control over emotion than left hemisphere
the left hemisphere is dominant in language
from, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_lateralization

This week I finished the book Think and Grow Rich on the way to work. I did not want to start the Success Principals right then because I wanted to be at my desk when I did so I could take notes and actually write things down as I go through the steps. I looked at the list of books I had on my phone and chose Follow your Passion Find your Power by Bob Doyle. I chose this book because it was the shortest one on my list, around 4 hours VS 6 or 8 or more.

I love this book, I am getting so much out of it, it is also about the Law of Attraction. I wonder if I would be getting as much out of it if I had not listened to the other books first, or if I would have gotten more out of all this if I had started here. Who knows? As I wrote that I realized God is at work in my life and he is directing my path. I remember a quote I heard as a young man that I liked. “A man chooses his steps, but the Lord directs his path”.

I started listening to Follow your Passion until I got to a part where I wanted to write down on paper the exercises he had. So I stopped that for now and picked up where I left off in the book The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley. This way I could still be listening and learning something while I was driving.

When I got home that day I did sit down and write my answers down. I have to say putting it on paper is so much more effective than just thinking about it.

Growing up in a very religious home my interpretation, as a kid, of meditation was negative. I thought, Christians pray heathens meditate. So I struggle a little with meditation, although they are two different things and I try to do both. I also struggle a little with the teachings on vibration. Growing up I was taught only Catholics can go to heaven, all other religions were false religions. I don’t believe that today, but it feels to me that believing in the vibration stuff is like believing in a false religion. That being said I believe that God is the one who created the Success Principles, that is why they work. And I vaguely remember being taught in school science that everything is vibrating, but at different frequencies.

I feel like this struggle is part of the reason I need to go through the books so many times. This and the fact that I am so closed off inside.

My Daughter called this weekend and I was talking to her about this. She pointed out that this is something I do. I have an excuse why I can’t finish something and move on to the next level, I need to learn more about it first, I don’t fully understand it yet, I’m missing something… She also reminded me of the science of vibration. The timing of her call was great for me.

In the book, Follow your Passion Find your Power, he talks about the movie “The Secret”, which is about the law of attraction. I was unaware of the fact that when the movie “The Secret”, came out many people jumped on the band wagon of being gurus and teaching people how to get rich… Many of the so called gurus made money but a lot of people did not and now believe the Law of Attraction does not work. According to the book these so called gurus were teaching some of the techniques but not the principles.

In the book Follow your Passion Find your Power he talks about everyone deserving success & prosperity. In this Ted Talk She talks about hard work and the belief that hard work leads to success. She doesn’t like that belief because that allows us who make it to believe we deserve it and by implication those who don’t make it don’t deserve it.  http://www.ted.com/talks/mia_birdsong_the_story_we_tell_about_poverty_isn_t_true#t-900368

I find this interesting because one of my favorite scriptures is, Proverbs 13:4 “If a man works hard he will prosper”. I lived by that quote and always worked hard, and believed that when I was making a good income it was because of this. I just looked it up on line, http://biblehub.com/proverbs/13-4.htm, and depending on which version you read you can get different meanings. I always took it to mean money, but now I see it is talking about the soul.

King James Bible
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

New Living Translation
Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.

There are many more references.

The Success Principles basically say ask and you will receive. The Bible says ask and you will receive Matthew 7:7

King James Bible
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

The Success Principles say believe. The Bible says believe.
Matthew 17:20

King James Bible
for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

What I gather is we, as a people, over the years have selected scriptures we like and neglected the ones we don’t like. By choosing to only look at what we want we have missed much. This makes me want to study the Bible with the Success Principles in mind.

I am impatient, I want to know if the Success Principles are taught in the Bible and if so where. But I don’t want to stop everything and study just that. So I called my Mother, who has spent her life studying the Bible, and asked if she could find where the Success Principles are in the Bible, for me, if I gave her a list of them. She said she will and she is sending me a Bible study that she really likes that I can listen to. I am looking forward to this Bible study. At one time in my life I spent a lot of time reading the Bible but I haven’t read it for many years. My excuse was my divorce.

Regarding my invention, I have not found the parts I am looking for yet.

I get thoughts of things I can do. One thought is to meet with the guy I met who had his invention patented and see if I can do some marketing for him. I don’t think he is doing much other than his website, and going to the squares and demonstrating it to people as they walk by.

I have not been doing the things the book says to be doing. I’m not focusing on my goals every day, I’m not writing down the things I appreciate… My exercising is sporadic; it’s a good thing I go to karate, I get a good work out there. Even though I am not doing all that I’d like to be doing I am still moving forward in my journey through the Success Principles, and I love where I am in my life and where I am going.


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