18th Post: My favorite cup

My Journey through the Principles of Success


Listened to this Ted talk about your life’s purpose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVsXO9brK7M


Today at karate Hanchi Bob Martin came and taught us some techniques. The thing I think is so cool about him coming is, the first techniques he taught is a breathing technique and why. The why is what I loved learning most. The why, in part, is to stimulate the organs in our body which in turn keeps us healthy.

I think it is so cool that he came NOW, to teach ME, THIS, about MY WORD “breath”.


This morning I listened to some ted talks, and one that I really liked is  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sxpKhIbr0E , I listened to it because of the title ”The Psychology of Self-motivation”. But what I got out of it is community, I have never had any desire for community. My whole life I have liked being alone. My dream as a kid was to be a hermit, I hated crowds, parades, and people. I loved the saying” I love mankind, its people I can’t stand”. As a kid I could really relate to that saying. For years I have believed that I would actually like solitary confinement, not having to deal with people.

This has given me something to really think about.

The first thought is, I have spent my life trying to please people.
My second thought is, it is people who hurt me.
My next thought, is it because they hurt me or so they won’t hurt me.
Next thought, by trying to please people I have never pleased myself. I have not lived my life.
Next thought, this must be what self examination looks like. I know I want to do it but don’t know how.
Next thought after reading what I just wrote, I know I have a strong need to please people, even total strangers.
Next thought, I wish I could remember what happened to me as a kid.




I now have a favorite coffee cup, My Niece posted on Face Book a picture of a coffee cup with a picture of my dad on it. I have that cup, but I have it packed away so I don’t break it.

That is something I have always done, I don’t use the things I like the most, so they don’t get ruined. As a kid I never played with my favorite toys, I never wear the shirts I like the most, they are from my Sons gym, I had a poster when I was in high school that I real liked that never got hung on a wall. Years ago my daughter gave me a calendar that she had made. It had the birthdays of our family and friends… and a picture of that person on the calendar. I really appreciated this calendar so I put it away so it would not get ruined. Later I learned that I hurt her feelings by not using the calendar, but by then it was too late to put it up.

It was then that I realized it was kind of silly to not use some of those things, especially a calendar that is designed to be used “now”. But I still do it to this day. My favorite things don’t get used. I have a $10.00 screw driver I bought because I really liked it, when I was working I used a screwdriver every day, but I used the $4.00 one so I would not ruin my good one.


I just read what I wrote and I remember one day as kid coming home from school and discovering that my Mom decided to help me out and cleaned up my room. Part of cleaning up my room was throwing away all the toys I never used. That was a hard day for me.

The thing I missed the most was a game my Grandmother gave me that was my Dad’s when he was a kid. It was so special to me I never even took all the pieces out of the box. To this day I have never had anything I cherished more.       (Later when I read this I asked myself, why did I use the word cherished?)

Back to the coffee cup. After seeing the picture of the cup with my Dad on it, the next time I went to get a cup of coffee, I saw in the cupboard a cup my Daughter gave me when she was going to Berkeley, it says Berkeley Dad. I really like this cup because it reminds me of her. This time when I saw the cup it reminded me of her and my Dad. This is now my favorite cup and I use it almost every day, it does get washed.


I am close to finishing the book The Success Principles again. I get more out of it each time I go through it. The more I go through the book the more I realize God is the one who created the success principles so I have no doubt they will continue to work for me and anyone who uses them.

I finally got started on the list of 101 things I want before I die. It has been hard to think of things that I want other than time and money. For me it is hard to look inward but I am learning.

The first thing I thought of to put on this list is I’d like to see the northern lights in person, so that is something I will do.

I have not done anything more on my invention, the last trip to Orlando there was not enough time. I am going to a Word Press MeetUp in Orlando on Tue. I plan to go early to look around for some parts that I can’t find here.

I feel strongly that I will master the Success Principles and teach them to others but I really feel drawn to teach them to kids.


Life is Good.

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