17th Post: I wish we could all learn this as kids, and grow up with it.


I finished the book Think and grow rich this week, I think this was the 2nd time through, and I started The Success Principles again, I think this will be the third time? I love both of these books and I share that with any one I think will hear it.

I realize not everyone will get it as they read this book. I read Think and grow rich probably 30 years ago and it did nothing for me then. I wish it did, my life would be so much better today if it had. I want everyone to learn this as kids and grow up with it.

I am going to really learn and understand this and share it with as many people as I can.  That is a goal I have.

I find that I feel something in my chest often as a song starts on the radio, a feeling that I really like. It doesn’t last long but I like it. I notice my eyes tear up during a show at nothing. I like that I am becoming more aware of feeling.

This week at work, at a meeting, Liz, the one who post the positive quotes every day gave us the book “One Word that will change your life” by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, & Jimmy Page. It is about changing your life, “how one word can create clarity, power, passion, and life-change”

I read it that night, it is a short book. I was very surprised when I got “my word” it is Breathe. Just breathe that’s it. To me it means take in life, relax enjoy life, live life. I think it is interesting that the word found me before I was looking for it. Over the last few weeks I have been aware of breathing; I went back to my 14th post and saw I was thinking about it then. I have noticed these past few weeks when I have noticed something beautiful like the sky, or the landscape, things I don’t typically even notice, I take in a deep breath. Not sure what it all means but I like it.

We are going to Orlando tomorrow so I am going to look for parts for my invention that I can’t find locally.

My internet marketing has earned me $0.66 so far, and I have, according to AdSence, “reached a lifetime ad impressions achievement” of 1,000 ad impressions. Baby steps.

Life is good and I know it.

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